Thursday, October 11, 2012

I am going cyber! I'm attempting to merge my little hands-on, tactile quilting world to the web in response to many requests. In the near future I hope to learn how to post pictures of quilts I've finished and am in the process of quilting. I have a confession, though. I'd much rather be working in the studio than blogging. With that, I welcome your comments to help me be a better blog designer! Off to quilting I go, with passion!


  1. Keep up the awesome, award winning work!

  2. It looks great!! I love how accessible all your business info is with the links on the top of your blog(discounts,quilting services, etc). This will be very helpful for customers and those first introduced to your business. The font is cute that you picked as well. You have done great work here and do FABULOUS work with your quilts!!

    1. Thank you, Heather. I hope to tweak the background to be one of my quilts I've pieced and quilted - maybe a vintage one. Thanks for your support!
