My third "Queen and Her Court"!!! I'll admit to the poor photography of this expertly appliquéd and pieced quilt. But I had to post whatever pictures did turn out because it was another exquisite quilt that enabled the application of digital design (computer-guided quilting).
Even some background sections were digitized. See the four-square tan blocks, below. You can also see a better section of computerized quilting done in the pink border.
Clients sometimes leave the quilting design up to me, such as in this quilt. My inspiration comes from the fabric. It whispers to me - sometimes even shouts - what I need to quilt on it. The fabric in this quilt shouted Victorian curls, scrolls and leaves. So that's what I quilted.
For (better) photographs of a wedding "Queen and Her Court" I pieced, appliquéd and quilted for our daughter and son-in-law, click on my "Quilt Gallery" on this blog. (If you're reading this via email, click on to get to my blog and then click on my "Quilt Gallery"). The quilt is featured at the top of the Gallery. The designs were chalked in by hand using a small lap-sized light box, then quilted using my hand-guided Gammill (pre-computerized retrofit) - the 'old' way!!!! Was the digitized way shown in this post easier? Hmmm. Not at first. A learning curve is always difficult. The design is done mostly on a computer screen, and the computer quilts the results. The results will only be correct if you've created it with the computer correctly! That's the hard part. But now that I have computerized quilting somewhat 'under my belt', I have to say it is easier...on the body.